Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 4 - Going Home

Finally today, on the last day of camp, everyone woke up healthy.  We'd have loved to have that happen earlier on in the trip, but we're grateful for it today.  Today's breakfast consisted of cereal, and the activities, for the most part, consisted of packing up.  We did play one more game of Bananagrams for the road, and took some really great pictures. 

We've been doing this camping trip for 13 or 14 years now.  Our families have all changed during this time.  We miss the time when all the kids were little.  We miss the time when all the kids could come.  Unfortunately, but fortunately they've all grown during the years.  Some have gotten married, had babies, have jobs and responsibilities.  We're so grateful for the times we've had, for those that still come (and leave friends and boyfriends behind for this one trip : ), and we miss those who can't.  But mostly, we hope that this is a tradition that can go on for many years to come, with as many "Whartons" as we can drag out here with us!

The Picketts, Pearsons, and Hymas Family

Don't judge.  The bathrooms consisted of vault toilets without even sinks!

Kev and some of his favorite girls.

A Motley Crew!

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