I rang their door bell and was escorted in. "I think Tye is ready to leave. He's hard a hard day," Allan says with a chuckle. "Oh, no, what has he done?" of course is my first thought. "Oh, nothing," Allan replies, "but come look". He leads me through the living room and around to the door that heads into the garage and also houses a small doggie door. And there is Tye, completely oblivious to the door bell or our voices, laying on the floor with his nose shoved as far as it will go, through that tiny doggie door. He didn't even move, as we whispered behind him. I was able to usher Kev and the kids to look (I'm so sad I didn't get a picture). It wasn't until I said, "Tye. What's the matter?", that he wrangled himself free and ran to say hello. He greeted us for less than a minute and then ran to the front door. He was done! As a ten year old dog, he's definitely become a homebody. He likes to be with his family, whether at home or camping, he's only happy if he's within ten feet of Kevin and I. Bless his little old heart.
And even though Tye doesn't concur, we're still grateful for the excellent care we know he received with the Horrocks family all day.
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