My dad is a member of the LDS Book Sellers Association, and each year is invited to their annual book show at the South Town Exp Center. It offers members an opportunity to meet new authors, preview new books and mingle with other book dealers. Mom always accompanies him and sometimes, since it's such a harried event, he invites me. I help keep track of schedules - when it's time to pick up tickets, when it's time for an author signing, etc. Back in it's glory days (before computers and kindles and such) it was big excitement. But even now that it's smaller, it's still a lot of fun and I enjoy going.
Dad invited me this year and even though I'm camping, thanks to my AWESOME husband, I was able to work out going. He made an extra trip up here on Wednesday night and spent the night. We all got up at the crack of dawn and headed into town. Kevin took the girls to work with him for the morning and I headed to the Expo Center.
As we browsed, I told my mom about a book that my neighbor loaned me this week and that I read the day before. It was called Edenbrooke by first time author Julianne Donaldson and I LOVED it. It was a fun, well-written regency romance. Mom said that she'd heard of it and wondered if I'd ask my neighbor if she could borrow it for her vacation next week. I didn't really want to, but said I would. Just about then, I noticed on the schedule that Julianne Donaldson herself was going to be there that morning to sign copies of Edenbrooke! I was beyond excited. That alone, made it worth going. We each walked away with our own signed copy, plus I got to gush to the author and embarrass her. This is her first book, so she is still very humble. It was a really fun day.
When the show was over, we met back up with Kevin, picked up Tye (see next post), and headed to Bountiful. Kevin had Search and Rescue that night, so I did some laundry and watered my gardens. Finally, close to 10pm, we headed back to Coalville, exhausted. It was a fun day for me and the girls, but a long day for Kev (and harder still, since he had to get up and be back to work at 8am this morning). What a good guy!
Mom, with Richard Paul Evans. |
Me, with mom and dad, waiting in line to meet an author.
A note about my outfit, I was a little worried about it (especially when, as I was dressing, Kevin said, "Is that Salmon??!!) but I ended up getting 4 or 5 compliments and one lady said it very passionately. Of course all the compliments were from old people, so the jury is still out. |