For some reason, yesterday was just the best day. Kev tries to stay up late and sleep in, since
he’s working nights and sometimes I sleep late with him, but this morning I got
up early – well like 9am. LOL. I’ve been doing some typing for my Dad and I
was able to get that done, plus type yesterday’s blog posts before he even got
After lounging for a bit, we decided to walk to the gas
station, which is like ½ mile down from the campground. The girls road their bikes and Kev and I walked
Tye. Between the camp ground and the gas
station, we pass a couple of fields.
Often there are horses grazing.
Today was no different. There was
a water hole near the fence and that’s where 3 of them were, cooling off and
eating grass. As soon as the girls
walked up they started feeding the horses grass that was growing on our side of
the fence. It was clear that the horses
had eaten as much of that grass as they could reach over the fence. The grass was totally mowed down by them all
along the fence line a couple of feet out.
So the girls started picking and feeding and soon all three had come
over and were eating as much as they were given. They were very friendly and beautiful. I was bummed I didn’t have my camera. We’ll go back today and hopefully the horses
will be there and I can get pictures.

We walked on down to the gas station and guess what?! The July special is 49 cent drink
refills. Are you kidding me?!! That’s practically free! You know I’m going to be down there like 3
times a day filling up on my Diet Dew.
On Monday, while swimming in the river, the girls made some
new camp friends. They were excited to
get back to the river to swim with them again and that’s where they spent the
ENTIRE afternoon. They explored all
sorts of new spots. This part of the
Weber River is great because it’s not too wide, not too fast moving, and it has
lots of little holes that are deeper.
They are loving it!
Kev and I just spent the afternoon reading and chatting and
The best part came at 5pm when we decided we were going to
run the river on our tubes. We do it
every year and Kevin DREADS it. He hates
the cold water. He started griping as
soon as I started pumping the tubes.
“It’s not even the hottest part of the day.” Then when we got to the edge of the water and
were ready to launch he declared that moment, “ the worst part of the entire
year” if you can imagine. LOL. It’s pretty funny, though I have to confess,
the water was absolutely frigid!
Everything went great until we got close to the end of the
run and I ran into a fallen tree. No big
deal, we do it all the time. I continued
down river about 30 yards when I looked down and noticed that part of the tree
was still floating with me. I reached
down and realized that this huge, pokey branch had punctured my tube and it was
still in it. I didn’t dare take it out
because I knew if I did then the tube would be flat in like 5 seconds. I was game to just leave the branch in,
plugging the hole and move on down to the end of the run, but as soon as Kev
saw it he got cranky(er) ; ), and said the run was over. So out we climbed. And no worries - the tube is totally
patchable .
The best part of the whole thing though, was we had to leave
the truck down at the river where we got it, which means we had to go back for
it. Kev and I climbed on his
four-wheeler, and first ran to the gas station for a refill (of course!). I told him that businesses here must think
that we are like “Summer People” that go and visit the Hamptons or some coastal
touristy town for the summer. Except our
Hamptons is Coalville, and our beach cottage is a 25 year old camper trailer,
and our shop keepers are 18 year old boys with cigarettes in their pockets and
tattoo sleeves. LOL.
I know I keep saying this, but seriously the very best part
is yet to come. When we got to where the
truck was, Kev drove the truck back and I got to drive the four-wheeler. Wahoo!
I’m amazing - just totally a natural.
: )
The night ended with Aloha Teriyaki Burgers (way yummo) and
the girls running off to roast marshmallows and play night games with their new
friends. We finally got them herded home
and in bed at 11pm. Seriously, I think
Kev and I have lost our minds.
What a great ending, to a perfect summer day.
Kev has to work tonight and will be leaving this afternoon,
so we’re really sad about that. It’s
11:30am and he’s still asleep, which is good since he works all night, but I did
just started frying bacon, hoping to rouse him a little. Hopefully he’ll wake in his normal good mood,
ready to run the river one more time before he leaves. : )