Our next trip was actually our Ward Campout. Each year the ward host an overnight camping
trip to Morgan at Whittier Farms. Last
year Kevin and I were in charge.
Luckily, this year we were just spectators. We arrive Friday afternoon, the ward provides
yummy fried chicken for dinner and everyone else brings a pot luck item. There is an outdoor movie that night, we sleep,
and then in the morning the ward provides breakfast, and we go home. Even though it’s so close to home, since we
don’t have to cook for ourselves and it’s only a 14 hour trip, we like to tent
camp this one too. It’s a lovely area,
and always a really nice trip. This
year’s movie was Facing the Giants. The
girls loved playing with friends in the sand and sagebrush, and we love
visiting with friends. Next year I’ll
have to take pictures!